Tournament Boxed Set with 50cm Folding Board 95mm Pieces
Chess World
TOURNAMENT 10 x PACK - Perfect for Schools or Chess Clubs
Boxed Tournament Chess Set
Each Set Includes:
- 1 Folding 50cm Vinyl Folding Board (folds in 4) - Black & White
- 1 Tournament Chess 95mm Plastic Pieces, Single weighted - includes Extra Queens (34 x chessmen)
- 1 Box That Stores Both Chess Board & Pieces with Magnetic Lock
* Not just for kids - this is the same set used in Chess Tournaments worldwide. Very popular with schools and clubs.
A nice box set which is great for storing for schools or clubs.
TEN / 10 x Chess Sets for this price! - normally sold for $45.00 individually.
* SCHOOLS and GOVERNMENT AGENCIES - we can accept Purchase Orders for your items.
Please email us at info@chessworld.com.au with your order.